Some of what’s wrong with Vaxxed.


Hello again, dear readers of mine.

On August 11, I made a quick post on my Facebook page regarding the simple fact that I had seen Vaxxed, the recently released film based on the infamous fraud of a paper published in The Lancet in 1998, and was going to write a review blog for it.

And that time is finally here.

But before I go into the main discussion topic, I want to say something quickly.
If there’s anyone reading this who opposes vaccination, please, I beg of you, to stick till the end of this blog. Trust me.
Back when my video started to accidentally get popular, I devoted my time to the art of debating anti-vaxxers 24/7. And one particular pattern I pointed out multiple times was based on the fact that pretty much all of them told me to watch Vaxxed, and that until then, I had no right to talk about immunology, somehow.


Of course I didn’t watch it (until August 11).

I couldn’t have.
Not only because it seemed like a ridiculous idea, but because fortunately, down here the film isn’t projected for obvious reasons, like, the fact that it’s impossible for you to find anyone in Mexico who deeply believes that vaccines somehow cause autism.
Actually, vaccination is almost a part of our culture. We have quite a strict vaccination program, unlike the United States. Vaccines are also completely for free here, so the argument “BIG PHARMA MAKES SO MUCH MONEY OUT OF IT” is completely invalid.
When I told some of my classmates and people I know in general about the anti-vaccination movement, they just stared weirdly at my face and said:

“Who the heck in their right state of mind would possibly believe that vaccines cause autism?!”

And I don’t blame them, since that’s how I reacted to it years ago.
I don’t remember a lot about what I thought when I first heard about it, but the first thing that came to my mind was that I thought that they believed that the act of injecting was what caused autism, but not the ingredients. After that, I decided to fact-check it as the questioner I am, and came to the conclusion that the idea of vaccines causing autism was quite irrational. Months later, I came up with an idea for a short video that was intended to be a joke for a small group of friends I had met a few weeks prior. Some time later, annoyed anti-vaxxers reported my profile because apparently age is what matters and not maturity in the eyes of the virtual law. After the video got deleted from the web, that group of friends asked me to make it public by posting it to a Facebook page. I created it, posted the two videos they requested me to repost, and two days later it was an international headline.

That’s how I accidentally ended up with a science-related platform that was originally created by what kids these days call the “vaccine debate”.
And, when you have a platform that was created on something a film was based on, you gotta say something about it.

That’s why, today, I’m introducing you to my blog review of

“Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe”.

Vaxxed has been the most relevant film for both the scientific and anti-science communities lately. It’s Andrew Wakefield’s last resort to bring back the lie he himself created 18 years ago. And I’m hoping we all know the story behind it.
Wakefield published a medical paper in The Lancet in 1998 that I myself read. It was a study performed in 12 kids whose problems had an apparent correlation between loss of cognitive skills, gastrointestinal damage, and the third factor: the MMR vaccine.


Now, the paper didn’t explicitly mention autism, as it referred to it as a loss of social, and cognitive skills, including language. However, it is quite clear that Wakefield was completely talking about autism, since that’s what everything about him is based on.
As you know, when a scientific paper is published, the scientific method encourages people to replicate it in order to confirm if the results are the same. However, no single other study ever has been able to replicate Wakefield’s findings. In fact, there have been dozens of studies performed on, literally, millions of children, yet no single one of them has supported Wakefield’s position. Since then, his medical license has been taken away, and has been discredited as a fraud because not only did he publish a study based on profit, but after an investigation, he was found guilty of faking data for his study to be published. He also bragged about taking blood samples from kids at his son’s birthday party once, which doesn’t make him look good to the general public.

Something I thought when I was organizing my mind for this blog was that I might actually be in legal danger by writing this, as it’s been public that the makers of Vaxxed have threatened to sue an autistic advocate named Fiona O’Leary for speaking in favor of autism in a letter they sent, which you can read below:


Well, how vile from them. It’s no surprise, though, since the three main filmmakers (Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree, and Polly Tommey) have all been known for committing rather politically and morally incorrect acts, and as quick examples, we got the fact that Tommey has previously harassed me on Facebook trough her page, as well as saying that she wouldn’t judge parents if they decided to murder their autistic children, the fact that Bigtree has compared kids on the spectrum to dogs and chimpanzees, and Wakefield’s entire existence.

But, of course, I’m not in any sort of legal danger. Not only am I twelve, but they sure know that “Makers of Vaxxed threaten to sue a Mexican 12-year-old” as an international headline would not resemble a positive thing for the film.
Anyway, let’s get into it already.

On August 11, I was informed of something that made my eyebrows rise: someone had uploaded a digital version of the film to Facebook. Wow. It’s quite amazing that anti-vaxxers themselves have unintentionally damaged the film’s profit motive. But apparently, the uploader cared more about “da childrens”. So, my first thought was obviously, “this will be taken down in a few hours”. And so, I started downloading the file. I’ve known of so many other people who’ve done the same in order to try to crash their business by uploading it for free. After a few minutes, the file had downloaded, and I started watching.

The first two minutes were the best part of the film. Short clips over short clips of TV news reports on measles outbreaks on several parts of the United States, and reporters claiming that an important role was played by the anti-vaccination movement. They continued to mention how most of the reasons why a lot of parents weren’t vaccinating were because of Wakefield’s study, and they all proceeded to mention that it was all debunked several times. If I remember well, there was a clip of Dr. Paul Offit saying that the outbreaks revealed why mandated vaccination was quite important. After that, a short clip from Penn and Teller is shown in which Penn says:
“You may have heard that vaccination causes autism in 1 out of 110 children. F- that! Total bulls-! It doesn’t!”
Then, a few more clips from news reports saying that new mandatory vaccination bills are being passed, and finally, a clip of President Barack Obama saying that he recommends vaccines and asks parents to consult with the CDC.

After that, the screen turns black, and silence takes over.
We start hearing a keyboard being typed on, and a few seconds afterwards we get to see that exact same scenario in a close-up, dark, black and white take.
We start hearing Wakefield’s voice, reading a text written in the form of either an email or a letter of how he lied about findings and how the CDC cannot be trusted.
We then hear him saying that the man who wrote that was William Thompson, a scientist from the CDC. The screen turns black, and the intro is shown.


The screen fades black again.
We hear a phone ringing, and we see a hand picking it up. Brian Hooker puts it on his ear, and we supposedly hear the voice of William Thompson, the *finger quotes* CDC Whistleblower. Hooker then proceeds to tell the story about Thompson’s call, which was supposedly of him claiming that they lied about data regarding the imaginary and non-existent connection between the MMR vaccine and autism spectrum disorder.
The strange thing is, we never actually see Thompson nor we are provided anything else other than an audio file, which leaves the possibility of editing and manipulating. We are never granted with evidence that Thompson is the one on the phone either, which is quite thought-provoking.

After his story, we start watching an interview with Doreen Granpeesheh, the founder of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders, as she talks about how the rates of autism diagnoses have skyrocketed for the last decades.
The answer to such an argument is quite simple: autism started to be a diagnosis a few decades ago, and before that, it was catalogued as schizophrenia. So, during the last decades, our knowledge on ASD has improved amazingly, and every day we know what to look for better, meaning that it’s now way easier to diagnose patients with autism than we did before.
So, obviously, autism diagnoses have skyrocketed. But the changing factor is not autism itself, it’s our understanding of it.
Also, this argument based on the autism diagnoses increasing statistics was later used in the film to say that by 2032, 80% of the people on the planet will be autistic.

…What the heck?
No. No they won’t.

Anyway, we get to hear Wakefield telling his (biased version of his) story while we see a dramatization of how it “happened”.
After he talks about how his paper was catalogued as a fraud, we get to see an unexpected clip: Bill Gates talking about Wakefield. Yes, Bill Gates. Fortunately, he said what’s right. He talked about the fraud, and his following words were marked in my mind:

“So, it’s an absolute lie that has killed thousands of kids.”.

And it is, exactly that. An absolute lie, that has killed thousands of kids.

Have you noticed how people like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates have all spoken in favor of vaccines? How Zuckerberg posted a picture of his daughter before getting vaccinated?
I mean, these people are the richest and some of the most powerful men in the world, they should know something you don’t.

A peculiar pattern Wakefield shows during his scenes in the film is the victim-player. The way he talks is the one of a bad actor trying to impress a behavioral message of “I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me”.
I recently saw an image naming a lot of the sociopathy symptoms, surrounding a picture of Wakefield’s face, some of which included manipulation. I’m not saying he is a sociopath, I’m pointing out that it just wouldn’t be surprising. He lacks guilt, he doesn’t show remorse, he’s manipulative, and doesn’t quite understand moral standards, such as, “you shouldn’t unscientifically take blood samples from children at a birthday party”, or “you shouldn’t be the main cause of a massive lie that’s responsible for the death of uncountable children”.

From now on, I’ll summarize the rest of the film.
The film can be divided into, maybe four parts that interact altogether. The first ingredient for a conspiracy theorist film is based on the testimonials and interviews from people including the three main filmmakers, and several parents of severely autistic children who define their condition irresponsibly, while, of course, blaming it on the MMR. See, low-functioning (a term used to define the non-verbal end of the spectrum, for example) autistic people understand what happens around them. Take as an example Carly Fleischmann, who is a non-verbal, severely affected autistic teenager whose parents discovered that she started to communicate through typing on a computer. For all her life, her parents didn’t actually consider her a normal human being, as if she weren’t there, which is exactly what these parents think.

Carly Fleischmann 


Now, Carly is worldwide famous for writing on her own blog and publishing a book. Yes, she published a book. Because she is there, and she is a human being just like the rest of us, and just like the rest of non-verbal autistic people. What’s my point? That seeing how the kids suffered as their parents talked about how they’d rather not have kids, and acting like their children are not human beings was horrifying. Imagine you had a misunderstood condition that made your speech pretty much impossible, and having to listen while your parents talk to a camera, acting like you’re not a person. Several individual videos on the Vaxxed Facebook page also show the heartbreaking reaction of the kids listening to their parents talk that way about them. Their kids are actually there. The vast majority of them understand the world around them. They’re aware of what’s happening, how, and why. Which is what makes it so heartbreaking to see that. It’s infuriating.

The second ingredient is based on home videos of children with severe autism as their parents recorded. Before I even start to discuss this part, I’ll quote my friend and fellow autistic blogger Garrett Winters, who wrote this for Never Less than Everything, a blog I recently joined as a writer:

“We are not your amusement. Think about the time you were most overwhelmed and your reaction, and think if you would want that on the web for the world to see. Now multiply that amount of stress by 10, and you have what brings us to meltdown. It is so messed up to take a video of your children when this is happening, and the makers of these videos should be ashamed.”

And that’s exactly what’s wrong with them. It just reflects ignorance from the recorder, and a lack of empathy and comprehension of the current situation.
If you want to read the rest of that particular blog, here’s the link:

I highly recommend you to read it, I loved it, and it’s incredibly well-written.
The blog describes exactly what’s wrong with the videos of people with severe autism having what’s called a “meltdown”, which is a moment in which anxiety makes the symptoms show up in the form of an attack.

The third ingredient is based on several short clips from a large number of news report stations talking about different related issues, as well as clips from conferences and other similar clips on the same context.
The clips are usually 2-6 seconds long each, and there’s a massive number of them throughout the film. One of which really bothered me.
About the already debunked argument, “by 2032 80% of people will be autistic”, we see a clip of an old man is giving a conference, and I’ll try to say something that’s similar to what he said.

“But these autistic kids are gonna grow up. Autism is not like other diseases that drop you dead, they will grow up to be adults, and who’s gonna care for them? Their parents won’t be there. Who’s gonna care for them by then? You wanna know the answer? Us, taxpayers.”

Wow. Just… wow.
It’s quite sad and infuriating to see the result of a mixture between ignorance, hate, and a severe lack of understanding of logic. The result is irrational hate. And that’s what the movie is based on.

Oh, you wanted to know the fourth ingredient? It’s the most special ingredient of them all, and without it, the film wouldn’t even exist.

It’s called ignorance.

Combine all of them up together and voilà! You’ve got Vaxxed, a film that will eventually kill thousands of kids because of the irrational propagation of fear it’s based on.

The film is a compilation of inaccurate information, hatred dressed up as emotion, irrational fear, ignorance, and fraudulent data.
But there’s something else I’d like to share.
Something you didn’t expect from me.

At the beginning of this blog, I asked any anti-vaxxers who could be possibly reading it to stick to the end. And this is it.

I want every anti-vaxxer on Earth to watch the film and to do what it says. Yes, I just said that. I support completely the idea of anti-vaxxers following the film as their sacred book if they want. No, I’m not joking, and no, there’s not my usual final sarcastic revelation after this. I just want everyone to know that I want every anti-vaxxer ever to listen to me when I say, listen to what Wakefield and the rest of the filmmakers said in the film.

Because the film asks people to vaccinate their children.

The film’s only desire is for people to, instead of taking the MMR, to take individual shots for measles, mumps, and rubella. And I have no problem with that, as long as you get immunized completely. That’s exactly what the film says. It wants people to vaccinate their children. If only anti-vaxxers listened to Wakefield, imagine the amount of lives that could be saved.

Of course the MMR doesn’t cause autism.
Of course there’s no difference between the MMR and individual shots at the end of the day.
Of course 80% of children will not have autism by 2032.
Of course people should vaccinate their children.

I honestly don’t care if people think that vaccines cause autism or not. The problem comes when people stop vaccinating because of a myth, because not only are they endangering themselves, but the people around them as well.

“How?”, the anti-vaxxer said, “How is my unvaccinated child a threat to everyone else if vaccines work?”

“Well,”, replied Marco, “because vaccines are not always 100% effective, and the chance for you to be immunized is usually around 95% with a shot, depending on which one you take and the organism it’s applied to, which means that literally everyone is in danger. Also, immunodeficiency is a thing among patients of, for example, leukemia, who cannot get vaccinated. They get protected because everyone around them is immunized, but when you’re not, the chance for them to unjustifiably get sick or even die skyrockets.

(The anti-vaxxer sadly passed away due to a severe case of cognitive dissonance)

In case that makes any sense, pretty much all anti-vaxxers have completely distorted the information in the film to their own confirmation biases.

They took a “you should vaccinate your kids, but instead of giving them the MMR, give them individual shots for measles, mumps, and rubella”, and turned it into “don’t vaccinate at all because all vaccines cause autism”.

I found it quite ironic that so many people asked me to watch the film as a way of trying to change my mind into believing that there was an equal sign between the words “vaccines” and “bad”, and that people shouldn’t vaccinate at all, when the reality is, the film asks for the exact opposite. It’s funny how a whole army of people was created due to something that asks them to do something else.

Yes, the film is as scientifically inaccurate as you’d expect. It is based on ignorance, hate, anecdotes, and fraudulent data. But what the film wants parents to do is to take individual shots rather than the MMR. And honestly, I really have no problem with that, as long as they’re fully vaccinated.

Do not watch this film if you get easily angry about ignorance and hatred based on misunderstanding towards the autistic community. It would make you punch the screen and want to kill someone as soon as possible. Trust me.
However, if you think you know enough about immunology and ASD to tell the difference between what’s a fact and what’s an anecdote, then just put the words “Vaxxed full movie” on the Facebook browser bar and give it a watch, then, try not to collapse from spontaneous combustion.


Vaccinate your kids.






58 thoughts on “Some of what’s wrong with Vaxxed.

  1. Hi Matt,Very good details to read about the program on your page. I’m sure ProfitClicking won’t turn into a scam. I have my own share of good experience with profitclicking and the strategy to work in ProfitClicking is very important. Have received multiple withdrawals after the migration from Justbeenpaid to profitclicking and I’m sure profitclicking will go on for a longer time.VA:F [12_p.091166].lease wait…


  2. Hallo Yvonne en Thea.Als enaohusitste fan cvan de andere boeken kijk ik uit naar dit nieuwe boek,Ik ben mede dankzij deze boeken heel mooi afgeslankt van 87:kg: naar +/- 65KG:En voel mij geweldig, en zonder een moment van honger.Dank je welMet liefs en groetjes Mia


  3. Thanks , I’ve recently been looking for information about this topic for ages and yours is the greatest I have found out so far. But, what in regards to the bottom line? Are you sure in regards to the supply?|What i don’t understood is in truth how you’re no longer really much more smkrely-liatd than you may be now. You’re very intelligent.


  4. You said “400 people die of measles every day.” Which is an extrapolation from CDC “data”, not a fact. Most of the countries contributing to that “data” do not diagnose actual measels, database/report any actual cause of death or even have vaccine programs. The CDC gets stuff where it can and infers a great deal of other information from a population that DOES do more than most 3rd-world countries. Be careful about statistical “facts”.


    1. No, this is more “the start of the story.” And since he’s going to be 13 in about a month, he’s got a nice long future of ahead of him for cranking out science based stories you and many, many, others really aren’t going to like.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. “This blog was not written by a 12 year old” anything like any 12 year old you’ve known. That doesn’t make it untrue. Your claim this blog is not what it appears to be, a hypothesis you have presented no evidence to support, is much more likely just a dishonest attempt to introduce doubt into what is written here rather than who has written it.
      There are many child geniuses in this world. Are you unaware of that or does it bother you that young Mr. Arturo is clearly more intelligent than you are? Reading what he has to say and seeing the eloquent way he says it, in his second language no less, I’d be surprised if he’s not smarter than 99.9% of us. I have no problem admitting he’s certainly smarter than I am.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Might wanna read those documents instead of taking Andy’s idea of what he believes they say. Here’s a breakdown and a copy for you


  5. Marco – you are obviously intelligent, but on some points you need to do your homework. This is especially true regarding the Lancet paper. If anything, Brian Deer willfully and knowingly falsified his findings on Dr. Andrew Wakefield. You owe it to yourself to readup on that.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. youre a smart kid im certain you can find it for yourself. why should we do all the work. youve certainly been in good company providing you with regurgitated information. after all these are not your thoughts. youre rewriting what others have written, some of it accurate, smost not so much.

        brian deer is a scumbag that was co-opted by the GMC. Its great you support single measles shots. Did you know when Dr. Wakefield suggested they drop the MMR in favor of single measles mumps and rubella, they banned the single shots immediately. When he called to inquire why, their response was “it will destroy our mmr program” . theres one of your smoking guns.

        it seems the children are not the priority, something you will see and learn as time goes on and you discover the real world, one plagued with deception, cover ups and lies. You see Marco, one day you will realize the higher up the chain you go, money will always be the motivator. One day you will wake up to the greed and corruption which permeates every corridor of big business, government and individual human beings that make decisions which impact each and every one of us.

        your review of the film didnt say anything anyone else hasnt already echoed. its a mish mash of mainstream sound bites. and interestingly enough the film is about william thompson not wakefield. Thompson drafted a letter with 2 members of congress. you should look for that letter before you sling accusations at anyone trying to expose the corruption inside the cdc. You should also look for the Vaerstraetten study, the original one published in 1999 before they cooked the numbers and destroyed the original paper showing a link to autism from mercury laced vaccines. Youtube “Geier & Geier; Autism, Mercury, Thimerosal, & the VSD (2005)” to hear the incredible story of how congress ordered the cdc to allow the Geiers to investigate data in the VSD (vaccine safety datalink) and the hoops and hurdles they encountered trying to get this information. Major scandal and corruption.

        ONe day you’ll see the light, one day you” realize nature got it right and man tried to play god. You;ll realize our immune system is the least understood aspect of our human body and that children are being used as guinea pigs. Please ask your smart pharma buddues if there has ever been a study on vaxxed vs unvaxxed. Please ask what is in the placebos they use to test a vaccine. please ask if there have been any studies conducted on multiple vaccines administered simultaneously. If they answered no to 1& 3 and another vaccine or adjuvant to number 2, they are telling the truth.

        Its not a question of if, its a question of why. Why did the cdc knowingly cover up and manipulate statistics. Otherwise congress wasted taxpayers money on hearings that were based on a lie? Do you honestly think congress would investigate spurious claims? obviously they had good knowledge and information, including thousands of documents to support the claim.

        wakefield testified at those hearings and the cdc conducted their own studies only after wakefield produced his findings, findings that have been replicated, one only has to look for it. very easy to find and corroborate.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s just Andrew Wakefield now. Plus, citation? You’ve obviously read the information that you want Marco to “readup on”, so how about sharing the link for us all to read? .


    2. Andrew Wakefield was accused and convicted of trying to patent and sell his own single dose of MMR vaccine. You obviously have never done any homework in the first place, otherwise you’d know that.


      1. Actually, you can’t very well be “convicted” of such a thing – he was simply stripped of his standing as an MD. There is certainly no publicevidence of any such court case. You’ve obviously never done YOUR homework.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s true, but in my eyes that’s as good as a conviction, especially for a doctor in the UK. You’re right about the definition, however. He wasn’t convicted, but the court ruled against him and the final decision effectively ended his career as a reputable doctor.


      3. ANd….. your point is? Paul Offit is coinventor of the rotavirus vaccine, a vaccine that had to be recalled because it KILLED. nobody is discrediting paul offit.

        you do realize you just showed how the GMC thwarted Dr Wakefields attempts to produce a safer vaccine. they saw it as competition as evidenced by the response wakefield got as to why they did not want to support the singe vaccine and so they banned single vaccines after wakefield made his suggestion.

        and MArco you say Wakefield killed babies. Please post statistics of how many babies he killed. Did you know about double digit deaths from MMR vaccine in the states in the last 10 years? do you know how may people died from natural measles in the last 20 years in the states? ZERO!!

        the intro of the movie is an attempt to show the timeline of the disney outbreak and the sigining of the mandatory vaccine bill in california. in other words it was a setup.

        statisitics show 650 people got mealses in 2014 i believe (no deaths btw), yet at least 50 people died from the hpv vaccine and not a PEEP!! when ONE person dies from a pharmaceutical drug they pull of off the market immediately. JUst look at the vioxx fiasco. But when kids are vaccine damaged, its not the vaccine. its NEVER the vaccine. Vaccines get a special pass, you know that right?

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I want to watch it for the same reason – to reply to those who claim I cannot speak on the “CDC whistleblower” issue until I do. But, I AM one of those people that gets easily angered by ignorance and hatred!! Sigh. Seriously just the sight of Wakefield makes me tense up lately. I think he should be forced to personally dig the grave of every child that dies of measles from here on out.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The you should dig the graves of those who die from vaccine injury – because that happens a LOT more often than kids dying of measles. Give kids vitamin A a nd good nutrition and measles is a mild illness.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. @Mary: Except that deaths caused by vaccines are not only rare, but isolated cases. Yes, they happen, but not nearly as much as people, like yourself, like to exaggerate. The fact is that the majority of people who claim that vaccines lead to autism believe that this includes ALL vaccines, rather than just the MMR vaccine. So when you speak of vaccine injuries and deaths lumped in with autism, are you referring to all vaccines or just the MMR?

        I only ask because vaccine injuries and deaths can come from just about any and all vaccines, not just the MMR. But this is already known, it isn’t something we’re only discovering just now. It happens, just like all other medicine. Some people will have complications and some people will have serious injury, even death. Or don’t you read the informational pamphlet that comes with your prescription? Don’t you ask your doctor about the sort of side effects some of your medications have?

        ALL prescribed medications can lead to some sort of unwanted side effect, even vitamins and homeopathy. Vaccines are not the exception. So why aren’t all of you bitching about the serious side effects of most prescription drugs? Did you know that Avandia, a drug for diabetes, can and has lead to heart failure and even death. Why not bitch about the complications of surgery? I nearly died on the surgical table at the age of two during an open heart surgery, and I also suffered long term side effects due to complications with the life support machine. Do you know how many people die from surgery each year or suffer from complications their entire lives?

        Also, why are you, and your ilk, demonizing Autism? Exactly what level of Autism do these “vaccines” lead to? I’m Autistic myself and though I may not be able to interact socially like the average person, I’m still an intelligent person able to think, rationalize, reason. So, what, exactly, are you and those like you, referring to when it comes to Autism? What spectrum? Are you even aware that there are many different levels of severity to Autism?

        It vaccines do lead to Autism, which vaccines? And what spectrum exactly? And before telling me to “do my research”, no. You and those like you are the ones doing the accusing, therefore you’re the ones with the burden of proof. So, prove it. Cite your sources. Because I’m calling you out.

        Also, I will leave you with one last comment. Yes, Marco is twelve and yes, quite capable of not only writing this blog, but understanding the subject as well. We call them savants, prodigies, genius, but these are just labels. They are born with a much greater capacity to learn and retain information than the average person. But so what? There are plenty of other young people who have done amazing things as young as seven. Gabriel See, Arta Karim, Colin Carlson, Jerry Newport (Autistic Savant, by the way), Enrico Fermi, Wolfgang Pauli, Mozart, Chopin, Picasso, just to name a few.

        @Marco. You’re awesome. Enough said.

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Hi Marco, good job as always. Just a few contributions: autism was not classified previously simply as schizophrenia; severe cases with considerable cognitive and/or behavioural impairment were also labeled “mental retardation” and left at that. Besides diagnostic changes, another issue that probably contributed to the increased number of diagnoses is that a diagnostic is necessary in many places in the US so that children and their families can get some sort of government assistance for their special needs.
    Second, aside from everything that you correctly pointed out about Wakefield (and much more could be said about it), a case series with 12 individuals, even if there was nothing wrong about it, still would not be an adequate basis for establishing causation, the small sample size and methods used simply do not allow for this.
    Finally, whereas indeed taking the individual vaccines is certainly better than not taking any, there are issues of cost, multiple doctor visits and multiple unnecessary injections to infants and toddlers, which in itself pose an important ethical objection, at least.
    Anyway, congratulations, keep up the good job.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Not to mention that the case with just 12 individuals was ridiculously and erroneously conducted. No actual legitimate case/trial would be carried out with that small of a sample size. It definitely made me stabby. The race card that was utilised just further dug their grave.
      Add that to the fact that the voice clips taken were manipulated, along with Thompson never even showing his face in the movie, and you have a recipe for a conspiracy theory all over again. I cringed over and over and over again during the “documentary”, and it almost made me sick to my stomach.

      Liked by 1 person

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